The Folk4Parks video blog is live.

16 Aug

Yes, the blog is live. I know it sounds strange with all the different things I’ve been doing for the last few years, but I’ve never had a true blog for Folk4Parks until today. The first post is short and sweet. The intro trailer for my series of video posts on the 70 CA park closures. Check back weekly for new videos and interviews from the road.

TEXT: When you grow up with a thing like state parks, you just assume that since they’ve been there forever, they’ll be there forever. My name is Christopher Grant Ward. I’m a Californian. So I need to know what the hell is going on. Like all of us do.

Our parks need new voices. New choices. So I’m headed out to talk to people who already know what’s going on. These parks are driven by people already who give to these places every day. Maybe they can inspire us. Maybe they can help us figure out some things we can all really do. Not just this year, and for next year. But for the forever, we never care to see.

I’ll see you on the road.


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